What are the technical differences between Linux and BSD?

Robert Bonomi bonomi at mail.r-bonomi.com
Mon Oct 31 22:33:26 UTC 2011

On  Mon, 31 Oct 2011 16:50:11 -0300, Zantgo <zantgo at gmail.com> the village
idiot, wrote
> I mean, like BSD is based on the original UNIX, and Linux on System V,


> Linux should include new technologies, or why not?, Is that Linux includes 
> more new hardware, but I mean as is "within "management technologies, 
> security, etc. ..
> PD: I know that BSD is more secure, stable and fast, although in relation 
to performance, ports are not very fast.

You "don't know what you don't know", and are in error about most of what
you think you _do_ know.

You would be well advised to read a number of the 'classical' reference
books about Unix:

   "The Design of the Unix Operating System"
   "The Design of the BSD 4.4 Operating System"
   "Unix System Administration Handbook"

are a good set to start with.

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