Another PHP5 problem

Jack L. Stone jacks at
Mon Jun 20 14:18:39 UTC 2011

At 06:49 PM 6/17/2011 -0400, Michael Powell wrote:
>Jack L. Stone wrote:

Oh, forgot that I did have to struggle apache22 still wanted to install
db42 instead of my db46 and caused the apache22 build to stop. After a bit
of looking, the problem wasn't with the apache22 Makefile but with the apr1
Makefile. Way down it called for "db42+" which I suppose meant at LEAST
db42. Instead apache22 saw it as db42 literally. A change in the apr1
Makefile to db46 specifically fixed things. This caused my earlier problems
I mentioned, but I didn't yet know why.

Happy trails,
Jack L. Stone

System Admin

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