are there any GUI editors that use vi/vim-like abbreviations

Gary Kline kline at
Tue Feb 22 01:32:51 UTC 2011

	iF we throw out "gvim" since it is simply the GUI variant of
	vim, are there are other GUI editors that use the kinds of :ab
	abbreviations that vi does?  I ask this because I don't know
	wmany many people with speech imopairments or who cannot speak
	at all would be interested in using my version of vi/vim with
	it's .ex/.nex/.vimrc and my hundred+ abbreviations.  

	The IM app, pidgin is not an editor, but it does let user use
	the mouse and/or arrow keys.  pidgin also uses abbrvs.  BEcause
	i type so slowly, i have my pidgin set up to use a slew of
	abbrev.  [Well, not the obv's, like 'FWIW' :-) ... but other 

	I would be interested in knowing how many list members _don't_
	know vi and use another editor.  just curious....


 Gary Kline  kline at  Public Service Unix
           Journey Toward the Dawn, E-Book:
          The 7.98a release of Jottings:

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