Can FreeBSD be made to be as polished a desktop as Linux Mint?

Xn Nooby xnooby at
Mon Feb 21 01:15:31 UTC 2011

I was wondering if there were any technical reasons why a FreeBSD
desktop could not be hand-tweaked to be as nice as a Linux Mint 10
desktop.  I only rarely use Linux Mint 10, but it's desktop and
webrowsing seem to be about perfect (albeit green).  The Gnome UI is
very smooth to interact with, and website fonts in Firefox look better
than on Windows.  When I install gnome2 and firefox via pkg_add,
everything works, but it is not as glassy smooth as LM10.  I think the
PC-BSD people are working on a Gnome-version, so I could wait and see
what they put together. I was just curious if there was any technical
reason why this could be done. I assume if they both use xorg, then it
is possible.

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