Follow a port of a specific major verion

Marco Steinbach coco at
Tue Feb 8 12:36:54 UTC 2011

Lowell Gilbert wrote on 08.02.2011 12:59:
> Mikael Bak <mbak at> writes:
>> I was not aware I could just install the same software over the other
>> without first removing it. Shouldn't I do that? I would not want to end
>> up with a broken software or a broken ports database.
> No, you want to remove the old port before installing the new one.  But
> you can *build* the new port before removing the old one.

The OP should keep an eye on dependencies, though.  A good foot-shooter 
is updating one port, and then, during updating a different port having 
to install a newer version of a port they both depend on.

Which might require a rebuild of the original port, resulting in having, 
at best, double-downtime of a service.

Incidentially, I ran into this just right now, so I felt compelled to 
state what might seem obious :)


MfG CoCo
PS: I seem to remember devel/pcre being a good candidate for that with 
postfix and some other ports.

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