no spaces ....

Gary Kline kline at
Sun Oct 31 06:58:33 UTC 2010

Looks like the spacebar on my clicky keyboard is busted.  Same thing
on FBSD as on the desktop [[ubuntu]]].  I'm typing this on my
laptop.  Seems like every other key works.  

Another thing is that the ctl key seems not to work.  IF I type
A ^c I get c.  ^D yields simply d.  Is here any chance this can be a 
software glitch?  Can't see how tho since I can KVM button from 
a konsoleon tao [desktop] to an xterm on ethic....  No spacebar.

Suggestions?  This might be time to buy a USB "clicky" kybd.


 Gary Kline  kline at  Public Service Unix
    The 7.90a release of Jottings:

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