Netbooks & BSD

Uffe Jakobsen uffe at
Wed Oct 20 06:53:00 UTC 2010

On 20/10/10 04.29, Gary Kline wrote:
> 	$150 is seriously in my price range [!]  But what about the
> 	optical drive?  If I can buy one on sale and install FBSD from a
> 	CD or DVD, do all optivcal drive fit all notebooks?
> 	With a few things that I probably will buy.  An optical, a 16 or
> 	32G SSD ...&c.)  So if there is a fire-sale at Costco or
> 	<<wherever>>  for an HP 9" or 10  Atom notebook, will I be able
> 	to use another vendor's optical drive?

An optical drive will propably not fit in side a 9" or 10" notebook 

If you are going for a netbook I'd go for an external USB optical drive 
- all netbooks that I've come across can boot from external usb medias.

Personally I prefer to install stable FreeBSD from USB memory stick. 
Since 8.0 FreeBSD has shipped a "memstick" disk image that nicely fits 
into a 1G USB memory stick.



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