YO: __Mouse Working On Cedars_

Gary Kline kline at thought.org
Wed Oct 13 18:17:23 UTC 2010

Guys, I am logged in as root, did a startx into the twn default, and I 
have a working mouse.   

Now I have not tried switching over to my desktop and bac to see if everything
still works.  If/if-not, at least it works this way.  At least noe I know
that I can set up my ye-olden ctwm desktop here as root.  Maybe use it as a
template as ~kline.

Lots of off and ends to fix here on my server, but at least now it is clear 
that the USB stuff does work acros OS's: Ubuntu and FreeBSD.

thanks to a slew of you guys who stuck wirh me the past two+ days,

"T" out, need a shot of java,


 Gary Kline  kline at thought.org  http://www.thought.org  Public Service Unix
    The 7.90a release of Jottings: http://jottings.thought.org/index.php

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