IPv6 rtadv on FreeBSD 8.1?

Neil Long neil at cymru.com
Sat Oct 9 17:01:53 UTC 2010

Not specifically related but I just worked around an issue with a Dell  
laptop with the xl0 interface which has problems with 8.1.

I was experimenting with a IPv6 setup and used an old PC (big and  
noisy) with the smallest install of 8.1. It worked fine as the tunnel  
server and ipv6 gateway (using rtadvd). I have an old laptop which is  
quieter and smaller and again installed the minimum 8.1 and used the  
same config (with rl0 changed to xl0). It worked fine for its own ipv6  
traffic but another test box failed to get packets routed. After much  
head scratching I gave up on 8.1 and installed 7.3 ( I have all the  
FreeBSD Mall subscriptions going back years) and no more problems with  
xl0. Something changed with 8.1 which xl0 does not like while rl0 or  
re0 interfaces are happy it seems (on the other box). I haven't tried  
any debugging, sorry.

Just thought I would mention it in case someone else has issues :-)


On 30 Jul 2010, at 18:48, Carl Johnson wrote:

> I have running versions of 7.3 and 8.0, so I tried experimenting with
> 8.1 in VirtualBox, but I ran into a couple of problems.  I have an 8.0
> system that is running a IPv6 tunnel to sixxs.net, and it is running
> rtadvd to act as the gatway for my network.  On the 8.1 system I
> enabled IPv6 in rc.conf, but it is not picking up the advertised
> address.  I can add it manually, and have put it in rc.local for now,
> but it seems it should work automatically as my others do.  I noticed
> that the ifconfig output shows a new line that is not in 8.0:
>        nd6 options=3<PERFORMNUD,ACCEPT_RTADV>
> Is there something that has changed in 8.1 that I have to enable, or
> is there a problem with 8.1?  IPv6 is working to the extent that it
> did assign a link-local address, and I can use that address as long as
> I specify the interface.  My configuration is the same, and I didn't
> have to enable anything on the others to get the global address
> assigned automatically.
> Thanks for any advice.
> -- 
> Carl Johnson		carlj at peak.org
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Neil Long, Team Cymru
http://www.cymru.com | +1 630 230 5422 | neil at cymru.com

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