Which OS for notebook

Mark Blackman mark at exonetric.com
Wed Oct 6 14:32:00 UTC 2010

Charlie Kester wrote:
> On Tue 05 Oct 2010 at 06:25:05 PDT Mark Blackman wrote:
>> There's also the whole train of thought that says FreeBSD isn't really
>> aimed at the desktop/laptop/notebook use model and any benefit in that
>> arena is entirely coincidental.
> I've often seen that opinion expressed, but never on the FreeBSD website
> or in any of its "official" materials.
> On the contrary, most of the official literature presents it as an OS
> for general-purpose computing, and not only for servers.
> If I'm wrong about and there is an official statement somewhere that the
> main intention is to provide an OS for servers, it would be good to
> know.

It's derived from a server/workstation OS and I assume the number of 
FreeBSD deployed servers wildly outnumbers the desktop/notebook 
installations and the tag line is "The power to serve", so there's
a strong server bias.

However, lots of people of have put a lot of great work in to expand
the desktop/notebook options for FreeBSD, but it's a big mountain to climb.

- Mark

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