Trying to build 8.0 Headless Installation Disk

Martin McCormick martin at
Fri Jan 15 21:29:20 UTC 2010

Thank you. I will get one of those mfs-enabled 8.0 CD's and have
at it. All the boxes we need to upgrade have at least a gig of
RAM so this should be the answer.
Tim Judd writes:
> I'm surprised on how far braille has gotten onto computer systems.

	Yes. I am sory that this is a bit off-topic, but there
is an open-source Braille translation software project. The kind
of Braille that true Braille readers read is called Grade 2
Braille. It might remind one of shorthand because the idea is to
pack as much information in to the available space as possible
since the size of a Braille symbol is relatively fixed because
the last time I checked, human fingers are still being made in
roughly the same size range that they have been made for  the
last 500,000 years or so.

	There are symbols that stand for larger words or common
groups of letters such as er, ar, the and for and lots of rules
as to when to spell out those letters or use the symbol.
Generally, the symbol is used when it doesn't bridge syllables.

	It can be computerized, but it is not trivial as some of
the decisions are based on context.

	The same 6-dot Braille cell system has been adapted to
all the world's languages so there is Arabic Braille, Chinese
Braille with all the rules  that apply to that language.

	I do not know this, but I imagine that the reading sense
of whether to read from left to right or right to left is
preserved for that language, also.

	If an English Braille reader picked up a page of Braille
written in Arabic, for example, it would have the familiar feel
of Braille, but it would be totally incomprehensible, even
as to whether or not it was right side up.

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