geli problem (???)

Angelin Lalev lalev.angelin at
Fri Jan 15 10:47:27 UTC 2010

I have Intel DG45ID + Core2 machine with USB keyboard and I want to
use geom_eli to encrypt my entire freebsd partition.
My FreeBSD version is freebsd 8.0p2, my Drive is SATA and I have USB
keyboard and mouse. I intend to boot via USB flash disk and attach the
partition at boot.
Everything works as described in the documentation, except for a nasty
problem. When I try to attach my encrypted partition at boot, it seems
that my enter key on the keyboard gets stuck and keep sending LF to my
console continuously. The keyboard and the key though are 100% ok
(tested on windows).
I'm not getting this problem when I use geli to attach the partition
after boot, only at boot time (geom_eli_load=YES in loader.conf).

I'm not quite sure that the problem isn't the USB keyboard itself or
to be more exactly the USB support for that keyboard. For example when
I go to "mountroot" prompt (screwed fstab) I can't type a thing.

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