Installing from FTP: unable to transfer the GENERIC distribution

Антон Клесс antoniok.spb at
Sat Apr 24 21:41:36 UTC 2010

>  Suspect hardware on the second system?  Try escaping to the shell
>> (Alt-F4) after pulling down some of the distribution sets and see if
>> 'netstat -i' shows interface errors.
> I tried to, but  (Alt-F4) does nothing.
> Should it work in "Standard" installation method or "Custom"?

This time I lucky: "Base" distribution set get right, and when "Generic"
started downloading, I reached the console you mean.

netstat -i says there are no errors.

second console says following:

/stand/cpio: invalid header: checksum error
/stand/cpio: warning: skipped <number> bytes of junk
/stand/cpio:  : No such file or directory

While downloading, such messages run out very fast.
Then, sysinstall says:

User confirmation requested
Unable to transfer the GENERIC distribution from
Do you want to try to retrieve it again?

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