are the are C [or C++] src sites ....

C. P. Ghost cpghost at
Sat Apr 10 19:14:27 UTC 2010

On Sat, Apr 10, 2010 at 5:19 PM, Gary Kline <kline at> wrote:

>        Rather than re-inventing the wheel over and again, wouldn't
>        it be nice to have a library of all kinds of functions?
>        --For kernel use, yes, they would need to be BSD specific...

Not sure what you're meaning here, but the collection of
libraries in FreeBSD's source tree (/usr/src/lib) contains
A LOT of C functions that you could use as examples...

For instance, if you're looking for those typical C functions
of the C library that are often used in introductory texts,
you want to look at libc, e.g. in:


Then, there are also non-library source files all over /usr/src,
that are full of C functions. ;-)

Of course, you could always install additional third-party
libraries, programs etc. manually or from ports if you need
more examples.


What are you trying to achieve?

>        PS:  As if it weren't obvious, no i haven't had my morning
>        jolt of java yet....


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