analyzing httpd-error.log

Glen Barber glen.j.barber at
Sun Mar 29 11:54:37 PDT 2009

On Sun, Mar 29, 2009 at 1:33 PM, Charles Howse <chowse at> wrote:
> On Mar 28, 2009, at 11:51 PM, Olivier Nicole wrote:
>> Hi,
>>> Webalizer is doing what it's supposed to with httpd-access.log, but
>>> when I give it the error log to process is coughs, spits and spills
>>> out errors with no data processed.  My research hasn't turned up a
>>> good solution for webalizer and -error.log.

What are the errors?

>> The format of error log is pretty much different from the format of
>> transfer log. No wonder webalizer is not liking it. You may have to
>> write your own format for th error log.
> Well, can anyone suggest a port that will parse the error.log and output it
> to a web page that's easy to read?

Webalizer is probably your best bet.

> Also, in httpd.conf what level of detail should I set in the error.log to
> get the most information.  It's currently set to 'warn', which I understand
> to be 'warn' and everything more critical than that.  I don't care about the
> size of the log, or the amount of garbage per line.

The 'debug' log level will provide the most verbosity.

Glen Barber

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