vim question...

Michael K. Smith mksmith at
Mon Jun 15 04:18:46 UTC 2009

On 6/14/09 7:46 PM, "Gary Kline" <kline at> wrote:

> the main reason i don't use vim is because of its [u]ndo
> command.  as most of you can understand, there are a whole slew
> of times when i need to undo something.  too often in vim,
> hitting 'u' --- sometimes > once accidentally --- has resulted in
> a small disaster.  [[i have too many current/recent copies of
> my working files to do TOO much damage!]]  Anyway, is there a
> means of setting the undo key to mimic vi/nvi?
> thanks,
> gary
If you undo something and it was a mistake, just use the period (.).


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