Sun sucks

RW rwmaillists at
Fri Jan 9 07:34:07 PST 2009

On Thu, 08 Jan 2009 23:16:25 -0500
Steve Bertrand <steve at> wrote:

> RW wrote:

> > Just create a new account for some made-up name, don't specify any
> > company, download your file, and then (if you really care) go
> > through the hoops afterwards.
> Improper subject, wrong attitude.
> If one wishes to use a license from another product that is outside of
> the BSD license scope, then follow it properly.
> FreeBSD ( && personnel) does a magnificent job of keeping
> outside-licensed code and objects separate from itself, and I'd rather
> jump through burning hoops of flame to 'add on' to the system to mend
> it to my needs, as opposed to  having the system, and possibly its
> users, face legal ramifications later...

That would be an excellent point if I claimed to speak for the FreeBSD
project - I don't, so it isn't. OSS projects aren't liable for the
actions and opinions of their end-users.

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