Email processing in Python

Giorgos Keramidas keramida at
Mon Mar 24 12:34:21 PDT 2008

On Mon, 24 Mar 2008 15:12:03 -0400, Robert Huff <roberthuff at> wrote:
>Giorgos Keramidas writes:
>> No, there's no library for `email processing' in the C standard.  You
>> can probably find a lot of non-standard ones, by Googling however :)
>> It's worth writing that plain C is the wrong language for this
>> sort of thing, if you ask me.  There are excellent high-level
>> libraries in Perl, and Python to do this sort of thing.
> On one hand, that's probably true.
> On the other hand: I know zero Python and this much > < Perl.  I tried
> Perl, actually, and couldn't find the functions I needed.

Heh, fair enough.  It may be a good chance to start learning Python
though.  It's always a lot more fun to have a *real* task to do, instead
of fictional `exercises'.

I have written a few Python scripts to process email myself, so if you
decide to go that route, please feel free to show me what you've done,
describe what you want to do, and I will try to help as much as I can.

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