Can't mount my iPhone - Maybe it need not be mounted?

Tom Ierna tom at
Sun Jun 1 23:42:18 UTC 2008

On Jun 1, 2008, at 5:13 PM, Joshua Isom wrote:

> To be able to mount your iPhone, you're going to have to essentially  
> void the warranty and risk turning it into a pretty paperweight.  It  
> sucks, but that's the way it is.  But at least you can charge your  
> iPhone using FreeBSD.

If using libgpod through gtkpod only requires the iPhone be  
jailbroken, the above is not true. Jailbreaking your iPhone does not  
void the warranty, and there is very little chance of bricking it by  
just jailbreaking it. Bricking used to be an issue when mucking with  
the radio firmware, but jailbreaking doesn't touch that stuff.

To jailbreak an iPhone, check out

You will need either a Windows or Mac to do the Jailbreak though.

Tom Ierna
Shockergroup, Inc.

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