Memory Error using Mailman on FreeBSD. How to debug?

Alex Zbyslaw xfb52 at
Wed Feb 6 11:34:48 UTC 2008

Lachlan Michael wrote:

># su mailman
>This account is currently not available.
>I'm not sure about the syntax but limits -U mailman doesn't seem to make
>the user mailman, but just use the class default.
su -m mailman

will do what you want.  However, to be sure what your limits are, I 
would stick ulimit -a in the script that starts mailman, just to be 
sure.  If the output from that is reasonable, and it doesn't seem to be 
messing with limits anywhere, then that's probably not the problem.  
Perhaps it's something about the attachment itself.  Can you try some 
different, similarly sized, attachment?

How big does the mailman process actually get?  top will tell you.  
Python and mailman presumably came from ports?  Last I looked, python 
had a build option HUGE_STACK_SIZE which I've needed for some apps in 
the distant past, IIRC.  Can you re-install python with that opt and see 
if it helps?  (It's just a SWAG, and could be wrong!).


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