usb-stick accessible, but doesn't boot

clemens fischer ino-news at
Fri Dec 19 21:30:21 UTC 2008


My USB-stick (trekstore, identifies as "USB DISK SMI Corporation") is
sliced using sade(8), labelled using bsdlabel, accessible using "mount
/dev/da0s1a /mnt/usb", it has kernel and world, but doesn't boot.

The kernel has the following USB modules:

  # USB core support
  device      usb2_core
  # USB controller support
  device      usb2_controller
  device      usb2_controller_ehci
  device      usb2_controller_ohci
  device      usb2_controller_uhci
  # USB mass storage support
  device      usb2_storage
  device      usb2_storage_mass
  # USB input device support
  device      usb2_input
  device      usb2_input_hid
  device      usb2_input_kbd
  device      usb2_input_ms

but it also has:

  # <URL:#USB support> some SCSI/USB support needed for system-on-schtick
  nodevice uhci        # UHCI PCI->USB interface
  nodevice ohci        # OHCI PCI->USB interface
  nodevice ehci        # EHCI PCI->USB interface (USB 2.0)
  nodevice usb         # USB Bus (required)
  # <URL:#SCSI peripherals> some SCSI/USB support needed for system-on-schtick
  nodevice udbp		# USB Double Bulk Pipe devices
  nodevice ugen		# Generic
  nodevice umass		# usb-disks, readers
  nodevice uhid		# "Human Interface Devices"
  nodevice ukbd		# Keyboard
  nodevice ulpt		# Printer
  nodevice ums		# Mouse
  nodevice ural		# Ralink Technology RT2500USB wireless NICs
  nodevice rum		# Ralink Technology RT2501USB wireless NICs
  nodevice zyd		# ZyDAS zb1211/zb1211b wireless NICs
  nodevice urio		# Diamond Rio 500 MP3 player
  nodevice uscanner	# Scanners

When booting, the bootcode wants me to manually type in the root device
to mount from and suggests the default in etc/fstab, but when I type
"ufs:/dev/da0s1a", it won't sing.  When I type "?", the USB-stick is
_not_ among the devices "managed by GEOM".  Re. GEOM, I only have:

  nooptions 	GEOM_LABEL		# Provides labelization

in the kernel config.

I want it to boot, what should I do?


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