what kind of UPS will work best?

Gary Kline kline at tao.thought.org
Sat Oct 6 16:12:04 PDT 2007

	Hi Folks,
	Recently, a storm happened and the power surge blew me 
	off-line.  Time to get serious about buying a UPS that will
	handle my four main servers for at-most, a 10-second power
	outage.  After that, shut down my computers.  It took me 90 
	minutes of up and down and crawling around last time.  That's
	the *why*.  Is there a best type to save me from this?  Do any of
	these power supplies come with scripts to shutdown a Unix {or
	Linux} computer?  Is there a UPS that is designed for heavy use 
	and a very short (5- to 10-second) uptime?  I'll need one that can
	interface thru the COM ports or the UBS port, if that is how
	these devices work. 



  Gary Kline  kline at thought.org   www.thought.org  Public Service Unix
      http://jottings.thought.org   http://transfinite.thought.org

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