FW: Open Hardware for Wireless AccessPoints, Invitation to participate in Workshop

v.hayes v.hayes at hccnet.nl
Mon Nov 26 00:44:45 PST 2007

Hello all,


The message below bounced. I am now forwarding it to this e-mail address in
the hope to reach people interested in the topic.


Kind regards,





From: v.hayes [mailto:v.hayes at hccnet.nl] 
Sent: woensdag 17 oktober 2007 16:37
To: 'rwatson at freebsd.org'
Subject: Open Hardware for Wireless AccessPoints, Invitation to participate
in Workshop


Dear Robert,


On behalf of Jürgen Neumann, Xavier Carcelle, Marek Linder and Florian
Fainelli, I have the pleasure to invite you to participate in a one day
Workshop on Open Hardware for Wireless AccessPoints (and Wi-Fi phones) to be
held on Thursday, December 13, 2007, near Paris, France.


This Workshop is a follow-up of a brainstorm held in July 2007
<http://wiki.freifunk.net/OpenHardware> . 


The organizers do not charge a registration fee, but would appreciate to be
informed about your presence by an e-mail to registration at openpattern.org.


For more information like the agenda, a list of hotels, a map and
transportation information please visit the website of the Hardware Platform
<http://openpattern.org/drupal/?q=node/10> .


Please feel free to forward this invitation to other people you believe
should participate.


Looking forward to meet you in December,


With kind regards,


Vic Hayes


P.S. We are making an e-mail distribution list. Monitor
http://openpattern.org/drupal/?q=node/10 for instructions how to enroll. Vic

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