One Laptop Per Child

Rob bitabyss at
Tue Nov 13 05:55:13 PST 2007

> I am usually not the one to bring up these things but I feel very
> strongly about this. Starting Monday, November 12 this website is
> offering a give one get one deal. I believe the money will be well
> invested. YMMV

I have to agree with many posters, this project is the most seriously 
misdirected, biggest crock of shit I've heard of in years.

We're talkin' people in 3rd world conditions, without basic essentials 
of life, and some idiot wants to give them COMPUTERS?!?!?   WFT?  Where 
are they gonna get electricity to charge them, instruction in use, 
repair, software updates, etc.  And they don't have toilet paper, so all 
the keys on the left half are gonna go bad!


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