PF questions

José Pablo Fernández pablo.fernandez at
Mon Mar 12 23:28:33 UTC 2007

I have a couple of PF questions. First I am NATing a set of computers on the <free4> table, to allow them to go out I write ($lans is lans = "{" $lan0 $lan1 "}" where $lan0 is re0 and $lan1 is $re1):

pass in  on $lans from <free4> to any flags S/SA keep state
pass out on $lans from <free4> to any flags S/SA keep state

or otherwise

pass on $lans from <free4> to any flags S/SA keep state

What puzzles me is why is the "pass out" rule needed. I never do a block out all, only a block in all; basically I am never doing any block out and practically never a pass out. The other exception is:

pass out from $me4 flags S/SA keep state

which is there mainly to keep state and flags. Here's the second thing that puzzles me. Why don't I need a pass out from $me6 to reach IPv6 places. ($me is the collection of IPv4 ips assigned to this host and $me6 the same for IPv6).

The other question is also regarding IPv6. To let hosts inside my network go out I needed to have this rule:

pass out on $wan6 from <free6> to any flags S/SA keep state

when I would have thought that since I am blocking everything in, and nothing out, this one should have done the trick.

pass in on $lans from <free6> to any flags S/SA keep state

That is, who is letting those IPv6 packages in, and why do I need to let the out specifically?
If you need context, my whole rules are below. Any answer and or hint is appreciated.
José Pablo Fernández
pablo.fernandez at

PS: IPs and names have changed.

# My interfaces.
lan0 = "re0"
lan1 = "re1"
wan  = "fxp0"
wan6 = "stf0"

# My me, me and I.
#me = "{(" $lan0 ") (" $lan1 ") (" $wan ") (" $wan6 ") }"
me4 = "{" "}"
me6 = "{" 2002:87:15i:0::102 2002:87:15i:1::102 2002:87:15i::1 ::1 "}"

# Globally accessable services.
mi_tcp_services = "{domain ssh http xmpp-c2s xmpps-c2s xmpp-s2s}"
mi_udp_services = "{domain ssh http xmpp-c2s xmpps-c2s xmpp-s2s}"

# LAN-only accessable services.
mi_internal_tcp_services = "{http-proxy}"
mi_internal_udp_services = "{ntp}"

# The network.
lans = "{" $lan0 $lan1 "}"
lans_network = "{" $lan0:network $lan1:network "}"

# Hosts that are free to reach the outside world directly.
table <free4> { }
table <free6> { }

# IPv6 reachable computers by service.
table <ip6_web> { }
table <ip6_ssh> { }

# Available for everybody from anywhere.
tcp_for_everybody = "{smtp smtps pop3 pop3s imap imaps}"
udp_for_everybody = "{smtp smtps pop3 pop3s imap imaps}"

# Making a return of a no-go is better than droping a package because it hides the fact that there's a firewall.
set block-policy return

# No filteblue on lo0.
set skip on lo

# This will normalize and defragment all packages. Filteblue will work better and extrange packets will be droped.
scrub in

# NAT.
nat on $wan from <free4> to any -> ($wan)

# Port forwarding. See below for the assosiatde passing rules.
rdr on $wan proto tcp from any to any port 5901 -> port vnc # Andres' VNC. Pupeno, 2007-02-12 14:50:02.
# Temp port forwarding.
# None so far. Pupeno, 2007-02-12 14:50:25.

# Block everything in, latter allowing some stuff. A more paranoic setup would be to block everything, in and out. But that is much more complex.
block in log

# Block RFC1918 (private) from the external card, private addresses in the public internet can't be good.
PrivateAddresses = "{,,, }"
block in  quick on {$wan, $wan6} from $PrivateAddresses to any
block out quick on {$wan, $wan6} from any to $PrivateAddresses

# When going out (which can be done anyway), keep state, so return packages can come in.
pass out from $me4 flags S/SA keep state

# Let some people reach all the services.
pass in  on $lans from <free4> to any flags S/SA keep state
pass out on $lans from <free4> to any flags S/SA keep state
pass out on $wan6 from <free6> to any flags S/SA keep state  # Possibly only to keep the state. Pupeno, 2007-03-12 20:04:19.
# Let all the people reach some services.
pass in on $lans proto tcp to any port $tcp_for_everybody flags S/SA keep state # in
pass in on $lans proto udp to any port $udp_for_everybody keep state # in

# Let some services be reachable by the world in some internal IPs.
pass in on $wan6 proto icmp6 from any to <free6>               keep state # Allow anyone on the free6 chunk to be pinged.
pass in on $wan6 proto tcp   from any to <ipv6_ssh> port {ssh} flags S/SA keep state

# Let forwarders pass and more importantly, be synproxied, whatever that is. See above for the assosiated rdr (redirection) rules.
pass in proto tcp from any to port vnc synproxy state # Andres' VNC. Pupeno, 2007-02-12 15:45:16.

# Let anyone ping me.
pass in proto icmp                            to $me4                                keep state
pass in proto icmp6                           to $me6                                keep state
# Services that should be reached from anywhere (including the LAN).
pass in          proto tcp                    to $me4 port $mi_tcp_services          flags S/SA keep state
pass in          proto udp                    to $me4 port $mi_udp_services          keep state
pass in          proto tcp                    to $me6 port $mi_tcp_services          flags S/SA keep state
pass in          proto udp                    to $me6 port $mi_udp_services          keep state
# Services that should be reached only from the LAN.
pass in on $lans proto tcp from $lans_network to $me4 port $mi_internal_tcp_services flags S/SA keep state
pass in on $lans proto udp from $lans_network to $me4 port $mi_internal_udp_services keep state
pass in on $lans proto tcp from $lans_network to $me6 port $mi_internal_tcp_services flags S/SA keep state
pass in on $lans proto udp from $lans_network to $me6 port $mi_internal_udp_services keep state
# Particular services.
pass in proto tcp from to $me4 port bacula-dir flags S/SA keep state

# Allow comunication between the two networks.
pass in on $lan0 from $lan0:network to $lan1:network flags S/SA keep state
pass in on $lan1 from $lan1:network to $lan0:network flags S/SA keep state

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