Custom builds from ports

N.J. Mann njm at
Sat Jul 28 21:57:30 UTC 2007

In message <46AB9EB4.5080305 at>, CyberLeo Kitsana wrote:
> My question concerns building ports with custom options.
> With some ports, 'make config' governs the options, and stores them in a
> file someplace so they are honored the next time you build or upgrade
> the port.
> With most ports, however, this is controlled by passing variables on the
> command line or via the environment.
> The most obvious location for these variables to be placed, so that they
> may affect recursive builds and upgrades, is make.conf. However, I've
> noticed that some ports use the same variable names for similar options
> ('WITH_MYSQL'), when I may not want that option set in both ports.
> Is there a way to specify which ports certain options are to be applied
> to, without having to craft custom command lines and build ports
> individually?

Is  ports-mgmt/portconf  what you are looking for?


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