Adding a new command

Lisa Casey lisa at
Sat Jul 7 16:36:17 UTC 2007


Once I get this new system going I promise I'll quit pestering you folks 

Got another question. This should be simple to answer. I've done this before 
but can't seem to replicate it this morning. I have a few scripts my 
employees use to do things such as add a new radius user, restart the radius 
server and tail the radius log file. The most simple one is radlog.  The 
file radlog contains the line:
tail -f  /var/log/radius.log

I need to be able to type radlog from anywhere on the system and have it 

I put the file radlog in /bin   (/bin and  /sbin are all in my shell's 
path). Ownership is root/wheel  permissions are 555 (I've tried 700 and 
777 - these don't need write access though). But when I type radlog I get 
command not found. I can type ./bin/radlog and it works but I don't want 
that. I thought if the file was in my path and if it was executable just 
typing the name of the file from anywhere would work but evidently I'm 
overlooking something. What?


Lisa Casey

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