xDSL n Dial up connection ??? help

MoonblueZ moonbluez at gmail.com
Mon Feb 19 13:57:18 UTC 2007

          ----------         -----------
          |  ISP 1 |     |  ISP 2  |
          ----------         -----------
              |                    |
  (DHCP) |                    | (DHCP)
              |                    |
             -----               -----
Dial up -->  |   |               |   |  <-- xDSL
             -----               -----
                \               /
                |   router     |

I have some problem here, about how to setting freebsd router which have two
link like topology above. i want the router have automatically detected if
xDSL link has down n swicth the link to dial up automatically. even so was
the reverse if link xDSL has up n dial up is disconnect automatically..


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