I like Ubuntu

Garrett Cooper youshi10 at u.washington.edu
Sat Apr 14 18:51:52 UTC 2007

Paul Butler wrote:
> Message: 17
> Date: Fri, 13 Apr 2007 12:21:43 -0500
> From: "Claude Menski" <claude.menski at gmail.com>
> Subject: I like Ubuntu
> To: "freebsd-questions at freebsd.org" <freebsd-questions at freebsd.org>
> Message-ID:
>         <2a4057fc0704131021t60249c62k4107ee6cf9f1fb8f at mail.gmail.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed
> Why is freebsd better then ubuntu?
> I find Ubuntu to be a great "distro" if your goal is to get a great
> open-source desktop system up and running quickly, that is easy to
> update (albeit not with the latest available applications) and
> relatively bug-free.  If you yourself are not able to spend hands-on
> time maintaining the system (i.e. for aging parents, in-laws, non-techie
> friends) it is a good choice.  Their use of Debian's apt technology is
> brilliant.  Their user/developer community is wonderful.
> If, however, heart-stopping speed appeals to you, you want intelligently
> planned technology with the latest stable applications, you are
> operating web servers, or you just plain want to get expertise in real
> Unix then there is nothing like FreeBSD.
> Merely by living with FreeBSD for a year or two on your desktop or
> laptop, you will really deepen your understanding of unix-derived
> systems in a way which is not possible with Linux.  This may be very
> helpful if you either have or contemplate a career in IT.
> Paul Butler
My personal take on Ubuntu is that it was a wise decision by some to 
market the Linux distro to disenchanted Windows users -- by having KDE 
be the default DE it makes people feel more at home than having to 
choose something like, say, Enlightenment, Fluxbox, FVWM2, or good old 
TWM. The problem is that it's aimed primarily at people trying to test 
out Linux and transition from Windows, and in many cases tends to choose 
the "best" option for you, in terms of partitioning your disk, running 
certain apps, etc from what I've heard and read from others, which is 
bad for power users.

Also, it's Linux-based so documentation in terms of manpages are most 
likely non-existent, like with Gentoo Linux.

Just as a followup to the subject line: I like FreeBSD because of its 
solid nature and good system architecture.


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