minimum requirements

Alex Zbyslaw xfb52 at
Fri Sep 29 09:05:27 PDT 2006

Jerry McAllister wrote:

>On Thu, Sep 28, 2006 at 06:13:16PM -0700, Art Mattox wrote:
>>what are the recommended minimum hw requirements for version 6.1?   
>>e.g. diskspace, memory, etc
>I don't know what the current absolute minimum to run values
>would be. 
I believe minimum ram is 24Mb but if you can get more... .  I'm sure I 
used to run 4.X off < 4Gb of disk and would suspect 6.X would fit too, 
with care.  Of course, you have to be very careful what you actually do 
with a machine this low spec'ed.  Certainly no room to compile firefox 
or openoffice :-)


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