KDE and libflashplayer - help?

Oliver Iberien odilist at sonic.net
Tue Sep 26 08:31:33 PDT 2006

I've followed the instructions at 
http://freebsd.kde.org/howtos/konqueror-flash.php.  libmap.conf contains:

libpthread.so.0                 libpthread.so.2
libdl.so.2                      pluginwrapper/flash7.so
libz.so.1                       libz.so.3
libm.so.6                       libm.so.4
libc.so.6                       pluginwrapper/flash7.so

And (having looked through this list's archives) 

ln -s /usr/X11R6/lib/linux-flashplugin7/flashplayer.xpt /usr/X11R6/lib/firefox/plugins/flashplayer.xpt

But konqueror doesn't see a plugin either in 
the /usr/X11R6/lib/linux-flashplugin7/ 
or /usr/local/lib/npapi/linux-flashplugin/ folders. Firefox does nothing. And 
there I am stuck. What am I doing wrong?



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