Move /var/imap
Martin Schweizer
lists_freebsd at
Mon May 15 13:59:14 PDT 2006
Hello Dimitar
Am Sat, May 13, 2006 at 10:25:05AM +0200 Dimitar Vasilev schrieb:
> Speaking on prima vista:
> Boot in single user mode.
> Move the partiotions
> Recreate the sockets
How do I create sockets? I have no idea.
> 2006/5/13, Martin Schweizer <lists_freebsd at>:
> >Hello
> >
> >I want move /var/imap to another place because not enough space (I did move
> >/var/spool/imap successfully). When I cp /var/imap cp says: "cp:
> >imap/socket/idle: Operation not supported" and "cp: imap/socket/lmtp:
> >Operation not supported". I now there is a problem with unix sockets from
> >cyrus imap but I did not found a solution until yet. What can I do?
> >
Martin Schweizer
<info at>
PC-Service M. Schweizer GmbH; Bannholzstrasse 6; CH-8608 Bubikon
Tel. +41 55 243 30 00; Fax: +41 55 243 33 22;;
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