how to locate file by inode?

Eugene M. Minkovskii emin at
Thu Mar 23 06:40:42 UTC 2006


Does anybody know how to locate file by inode? For example, using
fstat(1) I see:

USER CMD          PID   FD MOUNT   INUM MODE         SZ|DV R/W
user some_program 84130 0  /dev      68 crw--w----   ttyp0 rw
user some_program 84130 1  /usr  595890 -rw-r--r--   0     w
user some_program 84130 2  /dev      68 crw--w----   ttyp0 rw

I see that some_program using file whith inode 595890 on mount
point /usr like STDOUT. To find it I do following:

$ find -x /usr -inum 595890

to find two files:

$ find -x /usr \( -inum 595890 -o -inum $other_inum \) -ls

but this is too slow. Does any body know other, more directly

Sensory  yours, Eugene  Minkovskii
Сенсорно ваш,   Евгений Миньковский

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