Put non-ether iface + ether-iface into bridge mode

Andrey V. Semyonov wilfre at mail.ru
Mon Mar 13 09:43:02 UTC 2006


Is it possible to make a non-ether iface work bridged together ether-iface?
As for example:

[NET1] <-> {if1_1}[ROUTER1]{if1_0} <-> wireless <-> 
{if0_0}[ROUTER0]{if0_1} <-> [NET0]
<------------------> {ppp0}

As for insufficient security provided by wireless protocols I try to 
establish {ppp1}-{ppp0} encrypted link on top of wireless link 
{if1_0}-{if0_0}. But the figure is there are not only IP packets in the 
wire, also it must transport IPX packets, so I decided to transport all 
of ethernet traffic between routers through ppp-link and setting 
{if1_1}+{ppp1}=bridge1 and {ppp0}+{if0_1}=bridge0. But neither 
ng_bridge, nor if_bridge allow to set bridged non-ether type iface.

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