stop apache processing connect requests

fbsd fbsd at
Wed Jul 19 17:46:31 UTC 2006

This is a vanilla install of apache13 with php4 port running on a
6.0 release of FreeBSD.
Are you saying the php4 port is allowing these connection
transaction requests through?
If so would this not be considered a bug in the php4 port?

-----Original Message-----
From: Lowell Gilbert
[mailto:freebsd-questions-local at]
Sent: Wednesday, July 19, 2006 8:47 AM
To: fbsd at
Subject: Re: stop apache processing connect requests

"fbsd" <fbsd at> writes:

> In my httpd-access.log I have started to see a lot of these
> messages.
> How do I tell Apache server to not allow this kind of input?
> I have already commented out proxy_module in httpd.config.
> 219-86-33-41 - - [18/Jul/2006:12:18:55 -0400] "CONNECT
> HTTP/1.0" 200 6989 "-" "-"
> 219-86-33-41 - - [18/Jul/2006:12:18:56 -0400] "CONNECT
> HTTP/1.0" 200 6989 "-" "-"
> 219-86-33-41 - - [18/Jul/2006:12:18:57 -0400] "CONNECT
> HTTP/1.0" 200 6989 "-" "-"

You might do better to go to the Apache lists for this question.
This shouldn't happen with a default configuration, so it's
probably something you've modified locally.

Make sure you reloaded the configuration after changing it, and that
the daemon is loading the configuration file you edited...

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