:::. Sendmail & WorkAroundBrokenAAAA.

Dan Busarow dan at dpcsys.com
Wed Jul 19 14:16:33 UTC 2006

On Wednesday, July 19, 2006, at 01:09  AM, Mikhail Goriachev wrote:

> Doug Hardie wrote:
>> That option has worked quite well for me.  However, there may be
>> something unusual with the DNS for that domain.  You will probably
>> need to provide some specifics on the domain so we can see what DNS
>> is returning.
> Thanks for looking into this. I just realised that the domain in
> question got fixed overnight after notifying the sysadmin. I guess this
> is a good thing, yet I'm left puzzled with the difference between
> confBIND_OPTS option and compiled INET6 support.

WorkAroundBrokenAAAA does not disable IPv6 lookups, it simply changes 
the behaviour  when receiving SERVFAIL during an IPv6 lookup.

 From the sendmail ops manual

   Use “WorkAroundBrokenAAAA” when faced with a broken nameserver that
   returns SERVFAIL (a temporary failure) on T_AAAA (IPv6) lookups 
during hostname


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