ln -s in FreeBSD 6.1

Andy Greenwood greenwood.andy at gmail.com
Tue Jul 18 20:39:53 UTC 2006

If you typed ls -l var, that would display the contents of the var
directory. I think what you want is (while in your home) ls -l | grep

On 7/18/06, gs_stoller at juno.com <gs_stoller at juno.com> wrote:
>         In  FreeBSD 6.1 , there was created a directory named  /var .
> I created a subdirectory in it named  homes , and in that more
> subdirectories, one per user in  /home .
>         As a plain user , I tried to create (while in my home directory)
> a subdirectory named  var  by typing
>                 ln -s  /var/homes/me  var
>         Then I checked it by typing 'ls -l  var' and got
>                 /compat/linux/var
> as the destination of the link.  What is happening?  Is this a bug in
>  FreeBSD 6.1 ?
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