LinkLib Issues In freebsd Lazarus

Alex Zbyslaw xfb52 at
Tue Jul 18 13:40:39 UTC 2006

Bob wrote:

>Mike Meyer wrote:
>>Well, one solution is to distribute sources - which works especially
>>well if you provide a port. See below for more on that.
>Yes, but the sources Makefile would have to be not only version aware,
>but also "port-status" aware as well, and then call ld with the proper
>args. Worse, if 6.5 comes out, and the libs are renamed to libgdk.1.2.0
>for instance, then no one will know what to look for until something
IIUC correctly, the libraries you are complaining about are from *ports* 
and not the base system, so the version of FreeBSD is irrelevant.

Why not look to see how *other* ports which use libgdk do things?  You 
might find more help on the ports mailing list.

For your pre-compiled binary would libmap.conf help?  For a src port, I 
would bet that there's already a "right way to do it" that gets around 
your problem, even if it's just some ifdefs or similar in the Makefile.


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