LinkLib Issues In freebsd Lazarus

Bob bob at
Mon Jul 17 23:17:42 UTC 2006

Mike Meyer wrote:

> Well, one solution is to distribute sources - which works especially
> well if you provide a port. See below for more on that.

Yes, but the sources Makefile would have to be not only version aware,
but also "port-status" aware as well, and then call ld with the proper
args. Worse, if 6.5 comes out, and the libs are renamed to libgdk.1.2.0
for instance, then no one will know what to look for until something

> If you want to distribute binaries, you could simply include the
> correct libraries in your tarball, and only install them if they
> aren't installed.

Actually, my first thought would be to check whether or not the old
lib-name was there, and, if so simply ln -s old-lib new-lib via the
install script; something I believe the development team should have
done when they changed the names, simply to maintain backwards
compatibility. However, I don't know what effect this would have on a
port upgrade, (I am a newbie on day 10 of FreeBSD) if the upgrade finds
the new-lib-name as a link? Barf-Time?

FreeBSD is not limited to software available through the ports
collection alone, nor should it be.

> I'm just trying to point
> out some ways you can deal with it.

Yes, and thanks! I think I will ask what the lead time is on the
FPC-2.0.4 release. If it will be soon, and if this issue is resolved,
then I will simply start over at that point :-) Otherwise, I will have
to rethink how to deal with this in the long run. Thanks for your many
suggestions, and for your help!


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