FreeBSD 6.1 amd64 (Intel EMT64) and Samba 3

DSA - JCR juancr at
Sat Jul 1 12:05:15 UTC 2006

Hi all again

I am trying to install Samba in a computer with the above conf but I can´t.

I have made also a portupgrade -a in order to upgrade all the ports of the
system but I have always the same problem with samba I can get it to work
When I use Swat i always get:

/libexec/ /usr/local/lib/ unsupported file layout

I have the last Samba 3.22 from ports, and rebuilded all of them.

I have to say that some ports have errors and can not be builded. (really
I don't know which one of them, because the screen runs very quickly.
It seems that Samba is ok, because i run portupgrade -F Samba and get
nothing like if it were updated.

How can I solve this?

Is this because the amd64 flavour and is better to run the i386 one?

somebody has experienced FreeNAS? because if this is very problematic I
must think in another options, I must give the computer to my customer.

thanks in advance and best regards

Juan Coruña
Desarrollo de Software Atlantico

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