requesting some info on CVSUP (some is help related, others are your own personal preferences)

Jim Stapleton stapleton.41 at
Sat Jul 1 02:18:41 UTC 2006

OK, thanks.

I knew about the date part, but as I could simply do three drop downs
(month, day, year), date isn't too difficult.


On 6/30/06, Bill Moran <wmoran at> wrote:
> "Jim Stapleton" <stapleton.41 at> wrote:
> > 3) *default release=cvs tag=.
> > OK, what other options are there for release/tag, and where can I find them?
> >
> > For tag, I know of RELENG_#, and I suspect there is also CURRENT_# and
> > STABLE_#, is there any other, such as RELENG_#_#, etc?
> You can use either tag= or date=
> date= is useful if you know a specific port worked on a certain day and
> was broken afterwards, or if you're rolling out several machines over
> a period of time and want to ensure they all have the same ports tree
> for consistency sake.
> tag=. means "latest".  The ports tree doesn't have other tags.
> The source tree has RELENG tags, and tag=. is head (again: latest).
> See this page for more on source tags:
> --
> Bill Moran
> That's why I never kiss 'em on the mouth.
>         Jayne Cobb

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