dhclient fixed leases

Erik Nørgaard norgaard at locolomo.org
Sat Jan 14 06:04:08 PST 2006

Maxim Vetrov wrote:

> I'm on 6.0 release. The "default" will not help - I have several 
> networks without dhcpd. So 'default option routers;' will work 
> only for one and fail for others.

Well, in that case I have dificult seeing how fixed leases will help 
you, how should dhclient choose which fixed lease to use? One fixed 
lease or one default would work.

Otherwise, it seems that you should create a script that interactively 
lets you log on a particular network, and start dhclient if needed or 
configure your nic with a fixed ip using ifconfig.

Regards, Erik
Ph: +34.666334818                           web: http://www.locolomo.org
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