skype and other *phones

Doug Lee dgl at
Tue Dec 12 02:23:04 PST 2006

On Mon, Dec 11, 2006 at 11:10:25PM -0800, Renegade Penguin wrote:
>Eric Kjeldergaard wrote:
>>If you are open to suggestions on other  phone systems, I have been very
>>much enjoying my gizmo account.  (
>Yes, but the gizmoproject is particularly onerous.  Look at the EULA:
>Michael Robertson is the head of that project, IIRC.  Fairly nasty EULA 
>for using such "open" terms.  Can't even redistribute the software.

Gizmo turned me severely off a while back when one individual
began repeatedly posting messages on the SkypeEnglish mailing list,
which is designed to support Skype users who have visual impairments,
advertising Gizmo.  I saw no evidence that the individual was actually
reading our list, and I consider it rude and highly unprofessional to
post unrelated messages repeatedly, especially when they directly
compete with the focus of the list, especially when posted by someone
who doesn't even seem to read the list, and most especially when the
person does not even respond to publicly raised concerns over the
first two points but keeps right on posting.  The posting stopped
eventually, but by then I had developed an active disinterest in
Gizmo.  Questions as to how accessible to blind users Gizmo might be,
such questions being at least related to the list's purpose, were not
answered by the company as far as I know.

Disclaimer:  I can not speak to the company's intentions with respect
to this kind of behavior, nor to the exact identity of the poster.  At
the time though, I was convinced it was a company representative.  I
have no affiliation with either company except (1) as a happy Skype
user and (2) as a beta tester for Skype.  The latter is covered by an
NDA but is voluntary and not paid.

Doug Lee                 dgl at        
SSB + BART Group         doug.lee at
"You must let me try, for a true soldier does not admit defeat before
the battle."
--Helen Keller (in a letter to the president of Radcliffe College)

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