jdk15 on 6.0

Jon Brisbin jon.brisbin at npcinternational.com
Mon Apr 3 15:14:33 UTC 2006

Anish Mistry wrote:
> You could always just to do a "make package" on another machine with 
> 6.0 and then just pkg_add on your older system.
This is what I did when I installed JDK 1.5 on our BSD boxes.

It sounds like, with so little physical RAM, that the JVM is only 
allocating a very small percentage of that to the JVM that starts up 
when the build gets bootstrapped. The jvmg probably needs to be manually 
set using an -Xms/-Xmx value that will give it enough room to work with.

To the JVM, swap space isn't the same as physical RAM. I have had 
problems running java applications that have to swap. With Java, 
physical RAM is crucial. If you could even put at least 512MB in that 
box just for the build, then take it out to run it, you would probably 
succeed. Barring that, you're next best bet is probably going to be 
building it on another box, then doing a pkg_add.



Jon Brisbin
NPC International, Inc.

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