Need some tips in reorganizing our LAN.

Playnet playnet at
Sat Apr 1 22:53:31 UTC 2006

Hello Mark,

Thursday, March 30, 2006, 8:33:20 AM, you wrote:

MJA>  Thanks for replying.. 
MJA>  I'm currently on the phase I of the plan. Its not finalized yet. I 
MJA> hope you can add some more. What else do you want to know if you will be 
MJA> reorganizing your own LAN? Also, if you have a clue on what the 
MJA> succeeding phase should be..Anyway, I will try to focus on the phase I first.
MJA>  Phase I - Identify the Current Setup
MJA>  1. Network Diagram
MJA>   1.1 Connectivity Type
MJA>          a. wired
MJA>          b. wireless
c. Optical
If you can, don`t use wireless -- not secure, many troubles.

MJA>    1.2 Geographical Divisions
MJA>          a. Site survey (building plan)
MJA>          b. cabling structure (is it possible to recable?)

MJA>  2. Types/Classifications/Numbers of Users (126 employees)
MJA>   2.1 Administrative staffs
MJA>          a. OD
MJA>          b. FAD
MJA>          c. DIVAS
MJA>   2.2 Technical staffs
MJA>  3. Machine Classifications and their network type(private/public) 260 
MJA> all in all
MJA>                                                                  Admin           
MJA> Tech
MJA>          a. servers (public/private) ->   24
MJA>          b. workstations
MJA>            b.1 desktop (public/private?)  35                 162
MJA>            b.2 laptops (public/private?)   3                    17
MJA>          c. testbeds (public/private)         already included in 
MJA> desktop
MJA>          d. personal (laptop,pda)             NA
MJA>   3.1 Operating system
MJA>          a. Windows
MJA>          b. *nix
Nix better, but more difficult support on desktop pc's.. And need
teach personnel.

MJA>  4. Services Provided/needed
MJA>          a. file server (private)
MJA>          b. printer server (private)
MJA>          c. internet proxy server (public)
MJA>          d. im server (private)
MJA>          e. web server (private)
MJA>          f. directory service/server

Best regards,
 Playnet                            mailto:playnet at

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