how to upgrade?

Jerry McAllister jerrymc at
Sat Nov 5 16:02:34 GMT 2005

> Hi,
> I'm sure this question has been asked before, but I couldn't find any
> good help in the documentation, and its only my 5th day using freebsd
> so i'm not really sure where to look.
> i installed 5.4-RELEASE from a CD and I want to upgrade to 6.0-RELEASE
> using binary packages.  my computer is far too slow and doesn't really
> have enough hard drive space to compile the entire BSD system, nor do
> I have a CD burner to make myself a new CD.  how do I upgrade my
> system from binary packages without breaking it in the middle?

If you have only had FreeBSD on the machine for 5 days, you might
want to consider just starting over with a scratch install.   Just
save off any few files you have created in those 5 days somewhere
and then do a regular install of V-6 and put back what you need.
That would get you a clean copy of everything.

> once again, i apologize if this has been asked too many times.  even a
> vague reference to some 3 year old mailing list post will probably
> help me though.

On the other hand, if the idea of learning the upgrade process is
a higher priority that just getting to V-6, then, yes, it is extensively
documented in the handbook and in lots of online publications and 
private web pages and in the archives.   Most of these will not 
refer specifically to doing a 5.4 to 6.0 upgrade, but the process
will be the same.


> -Yaakov
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