periodic scripts execution order

Lowell Gilbert freebsd-questions-local at
Thu Nov 3 04:23:57 PST 2005

Russell Cloran <russell at> writes:

> I have a question regarding the execution order of periodic scripts. In
> the default configuration, scripts in /etc/periodic/*/ are executed
> before /usr/local/etc/periodic/*/, regardless of numbering.
> Surely the sensible thing to do would be to execute scripts in an order
> based on their numbering of the script, regardless of location? A patch
> to /usr/sbin/periodic to make this happen would be fairly trivial ...
> so, I'm wondering if there is a reason that the two are run separately? 
> The way it currently runs there is no (elegant) way (that I can find) to
> write a local script which updates data before the system scripts are
> run. This would be nice to have. Should this be filed as a bug?

In my opinion, no.  Just put your own scripts under /etc/periodic and
be done with it.

Lowell Gilbert, embedded/networking software engineer, Boston area

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