Adaptec AAC raid support

Rick Pettit rpettit at
Sun Mar 20 09:51:23 PST 2005

On Sat, Mar 19, 2005 at 02:49:04PM -0700, Theo de Raadt wrote:


> And how many more people have learned from this and will avoid
> Adaptec products?

At least one, and that one will share his feelings with coworkers and friends
in the field you can be sure.

> (perhaps these circles where it is being discusssed is on the fringe,
> but people in this fringe circle buy or are involved in the purchases
> for a LOT of hardware.  Much like if Cisco fucks up and someone brings
> note of it to NANOG.  Then Cisco jumps.  If Adaptec does not jump now,
> Adaptec is retarded.)

Could be getting too late already.

People don't forget so easy when they hear that hardware from vendor X doesn't
work. Also, those of us who care about free software now associate Adaptec with

I have no pity for Adaptec. They have made their own bed.


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