Shared object "" not found error when installinglogrotate port - how to solve this?

Olaf Greve o.greve at
Tue Mar 15 02:08:28 PST 2005

Hi all,

I have run into a weird issue, which for some reason doesn't want to get 

I am using FreeBSD 5.2.1 Release i386, and my ports tree is recent (via 
  /usr/local/bin/cvsup -g -L 2 /root/ports-supfile).

However, when trying to install the logrotate port (i.e. version 
logrotate-3.7_3 - located in /usr/ports/sysutils/logrotate/), I keep 
getting the following error:

millennics# make install
===>  Building for logrotate-3.7_3
/libexec/ Shared object "" not found
*** Error code 1

Stop in /usr/ports/sysutils/logrotate.

Now, I tried perform a 'make clean' and a 'make depend' as well, but all 
to no avail.

Searching on the Internet suggests that this is due to 'gettext'. So, I 
tried reinstalling that as well, but still, no luck.

The installed gettext packages are:
millennics# pkg_info | grep gette
gettext-0.14.1      GNU gettext package
p5-gettext-1.03     Message handling functions

I guess this is basically o.k., right?!?

Soooooo, the question then winds down to how to resolve this. Can anyone 
tell me how I can fix this problem?


PS: down below I've copied the last part of the 'make reinstall' output 
of gettext, as well as the output of the subsequent 'make install' 
output of logrotate...

mkdir -p -- . /usr/local/share/doc/gettext/examples
  install  -o root -g wheel -m 444 installpaths 
cd /usr/ports/devel/gettext/work/gettext-0.14.1/gettext-runtime/man && 
make uninstall-html
for file in gettext.1.html ngettext.1.html envsubst.1.html 
gettext.3.html ngettext.3.html  textdomain.3.html bindtextdomain.3.html 
bind_textdomain_codeset.3.html; do  rm -f 
/usr/local/share/doc/gettext/$file;  done
cd /usr/ports/devel/gettext/work/gettext-0.14.1/gettext-tools/man && 
make uninstall-html
for file in msgcmp.1.html msgfmt.1.html msgmerge.1.html msgunfmt.1.html 
xgettext.1.html  msgattrib.1.html msgcat.1.html msgcomm.1.html 
msgconv.1.html msgen.1.html msgexec.1.html msgfilter.1.html 
msggrep.1.html msginit.1.html msguniq.1.html  gettextize.1.html 
autopoint.1.html; do  rm -f /usr/local/share/doc/gettext/$file;  done
install-info --quiet /usr/local/info/ /usr/local/info/dir
install-info --quiet /usr/local/info/ /usr/local/info/dir
===>   Compressing manual pages for gettext-0.14.1
===>   Running ldconfig
/sbin/ldconfig -m /usr/local/lib
===>   Registering installation for gettext-0.14.1
millennics# cd /usr/ports/sysutils/logrotate/
millennics# make install
===>  Building for logrotate-3.7_3
/libexec/ Shared object "" not found
*** Error code 1

Stop in /usr/ports/sysutils/logrotate.

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