Why not?

Dan Nelson dnelson at allantgroup.com
Sat Mar 12 09:53:31 PST 2005

In the last episode (Mar 12), Aperez said:
> Why not all three teams work together for just one BSD version? 
> At the moment there are three groups of developers and users working
> in the same issues. I think if we should all work together and create
> well rounded BSD version for us users and corporate clients. Imagine
> a BSD version that is portable (NetBSD), that is very secured
> (OpenBSD) and that is a good Destop solution (FreeBSD).

(don't forget dragonfly and OS X)

Might as well ask the literally dozens (hundreds?) of Linux
distributions why they are dividing /their/ efforts, keeping their own
custom patchsets, installers, bug databases, etc.

	Dan Nelson
	dnelson at allantgroup.com

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